How To Assemble & Setup

How To Assemble & Setup

Steam Booth

How To Set Up

1) Connect stainless steel pipes to plastic connecting elbows at the base of the booth on the inside.

2) Build upwards from the base inside the booth.

3) Connect all four sides at the top of the booth.

4) Once the booth has been fully assembled, join the connectors through the premade hole on the bottom of the left side of the booth.

5) Connect one of the steam pipes between the lid of the steam generating machine and the connector on the outside of the booth.

6) Connect one of the steam pipes between the steam diffusing box and the connector on the inside of the booth.

Please refer to the below video for full instructions and if your still in doubt please contact us for any further assistance.

1) The steam generating machine should be placed on level ground. The machine should be protected from water and it should not be used in a bathroom or places with high humidity.

2) When filling up the steam generating machine with water never exceed the fill line.

3) Before switching on the steam generating machine please ensure:

- The lid is firmly closed

- The steam diffusing box is closed and if any oils are to be added this has been done (never add these to the tank, only to the steam diffusing box)

- All zips on the booth are closed

4) Switch on and wait for the steam generating machine to auto adjust to level 6.

5) Adjust to required time and level and wait a few minutes before entering.

6) When entering/exiting close all zips as soon as possible to stop any steam escaping.

7) When finished switch off the steam generating machine and leave all zips closed for 15 minutes.

Steam Booth

Video Instructions

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